
Monday, December 12, 2011

December Rose Bowl!

Although more work than we ever thought, we absolutely love doing the flea market.  We love the interesting people that we meet from designers, to DIYers, to flea market enthusiasts.  We love the other vendors around us who share stories, share their love of the hunt, and share Tylenol for aching backs.  

We love that the spirit of Christmas seemed to touch (almost) everyone.  From the angry man who intentionally parked his truck to block us and then put a giant pile of blankets in front of our setup but later apologized for being so stressed out, to the woman from Chicago who thanked us for saying 'Merry Christmas' because "no one says that any more."

We really do love you all.  Thank you for another amazing market and have a fantastic week!

A shot of the action...
(Ha!  Caught Brooke mid-stride!)

An early Christmas treat....

Giant brass grasshopper is almost too crazy-cool to sell!  Bought it at an estate sale in Malibu this past week! 

A bit of blue...

Um,who put that yellow vase in our rose colored section?!

(Love, love these antique African footstools!)

(nearly everything in this photo sold - how amazing is that?!)

Until next time!

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.  
1 John 4:8

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